2019-12-22 13:16:39

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani held talks with Muhammad Al-Halbousi, Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, before Sunday afternoon.

According to a statement by the region’s presidency, the talks were held in the presence of Fuad Hussein, the Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance.

The two sides discussed the situation in Iraq and the region, the issue of forming the new government in Baghdad, and the bills currently before the Iraqi parliament.

"The views of the two sides agreed during the meeting to work together to find positive ways to solve problems in a way that meets the legitimate demands and serves all the country , the people and components of Iraq. The two sides also agreed on joint support for the political process and assisting partners in selecting the next Iraqi Prime Minister in accordance with the will and demands of the people of Iraq,” the statement added.