2020-04-14 08:16:49

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani recalled the 32nd annual events of Anfal campaigns.

He said, "We remember with respect and appreciation all the victims who sacrificed their lives during that crime and the genocide, and we bow in honor of their pure souls and all the martyrs of Kurdistan, salute and appreciation to their families."

" Anfal operations are one of the most serious and most brutal crimes in history, as they did not differentiate between a woman, a man, a child and a sheikh, and they all led relentlessly towards mass death, as the environment was destroyed and erased every trace of life. Implementing  that racist policy by Baath killed more than 180 thousand Kurdistan citizens during Anfal campaign alone, where they were subjected to mass killing and buried while alive, in addition to the demolition and destruction of thousands of villages and dozens of towns in Kurdistan. "

He explained, "When we remember these dear people and all the martyrs of Kurdistan today, all our efforts should focus on not allowing the people of Kurdistan or any other people on facing this crime and genocide again, as the Iraqi state should pay serious attention to the families of the victims and compensate them as a legal and moral obligation."

" just as the Iraqi High Court for Crimes has considered Anfal operations are a crime of genocide, a crime against humanity and a war crime, we also call on the international community to recognize that this crime is a crime of ethnic genocide, and we will continue our efforts in this context and dedicate all our endeavors to achieve it, as we will continue to work to find the remains of the martyrs and return them to homeland. On this anniversary, we salute the pure souls of the martyrs who will remain alive in the memory of the people of Kurdistan forever. "