2020-05-13 14:46:39

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani stressed on Wednesday the importance of preserving cohesion, unite, joint work and political stability in Kurdistan Region for the purpose of being able, through cooperation and coordination between all, to overcome the difficulties of this stage of the problems and financial and economic crises and other repercussions of Corona epidemic, stressing that the Presidency of Kurdistan Region will continue in its efforts in this way.

This came during his meeting today with Stephen Fagin, the US Consul General in Kurdistan Region, according to a statement issued by the presidency and received by Shafaq News Agency.

“In addition on emphasizing on Kurdistan Region's support for the government of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, talks were held on the latest developments in the political and economic situation in Iraq and Kurdistan Region, the tasks of the new Iraqi government and the challenges it faces, and the issue of the US-Iraqi strategic dialogue and the presence and role of Kurdistan Region in this dialogue, relations between Erbil and Baghdad and efforts to solve their problems on the basis of the constitution,” the statement added.

 "The latest developments in facing Corona epidemic in Kurdistan Region was another aspect of the meeting, as the American consul blessed the successful efforts and measures that Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG)followed to confront the epidemic, stressing America's assistance and support to Kurdistan Region in this context."

"During the meeting, the latest developments in the field of countering terrorism , ISIS movements and threats , the necessity and importance of continued support for the international coalition for Iraq and Kurdistan Region facing terrorism were topics discussed, as well as the situation in Syria, where the US Consul General praised the efforts of the President of Kurdistan Region aiming at uniting ranks and achieving cohesion among the Syrian Kurdish parties,” the statement added.