2020-03-12 08:59:15

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani condemned strongly on Thursday the attack last night targeting international coalition forces in Baghdad.

"We strongly condemn the missile attack that targeted the international coalition forces present in Taji camp in Baghdad last night, which resulted in loss of life and injuries to a number of international coalition soldiers," Barzani said in a statement today.

"While we offer our condolences to the families and countries of the victims and share their sorrows, we reaffirm again that this attack is a dangerous precedent that harms the interests of Iraq and endangers the situation in the country, especially since terrorism still constitutes a real threat and ISIS still represents a serious threat to the security of Iraq and the region, and eliminating it needs cooperation and support the international alliance. "

The President of Kurdistan Region appealed, "the responsible authorities to track down the perpetrators of the attack and bring them to justice, and to prevent the recurrence of these attacks and aggressive actions that lead to tension and aggravate the situation."