2019-10-17 20:05:48

Shafaq News/ President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani said that the Turkish attack in the Kurdish areas in Syria poses a real threat to the return of ISIS.

"The attack poses a real threat to the return of ISIS and the aggravation of the situation in the region," Barzani said a joint news conference with French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Laudrian in Erbil.

"We are concerned about a new wave of displacement, especially with the participation of Syrian opposition factions in the military operation," he added.

For his part, Ludrian told Barzani, "This is my seventh visit that aims to deliver a message of friendship and support for your sovereignty and all the Kurdish brothers directed by President Macron and France, as the previous visits varied in terms of conditions between good and bad, including both in terms of security in Kurdistan region, Iraq and even the stability of France and Europe. "

He announced that Paris will provide financial assistance of 10 million Euros to Kurdistan region to deal with refugees coming from the fighting in the Kurdish areas in Syria.

He said he agreed with Kurdistan's concerns about the Islamic State's threat. There are 13,000 radical Islamists in northeast Syria, including 2,200 foreigners and up to 40,000 if family members of ISIS are counted. This is dangerous while adding those who carry out their activities in secret is a disaster. ''