2020-06-15 14:59:00

Shafaq News / The President of Kurdistan Region, Nechirvan Barzani warned on Monday from the growing danger of terrorism in the disputed areas, after frequent attacks in Khanaqin district and Kirkuks' outskirts in the few past days.

“The continuous expansion of terrorist attacks in Iraq, especially in the areas covered by constitution item 140, produced hazardous and complicated conditions for the residents of those areas of all religious and national backgrounds, who have long been exposed to threats of death, kidnapping and displacement, more recently, their agricultural crops being constantly burned and targeted on a daily basis through brutal terrorist attacks,” Barzani said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency.

 “As we have repeated our warning in the past about the seriousness of the situation, we confirm that the persistence of these conditions threatens security, stability and coexistence, therefore it is necessary to take a more effective mechanism for cooperation between the federal government and Kurdistan Region as well as Peshmerga , Iraqi forces and support of the international coalition against ISIS to address the dangers and protect the lives and property of citizens along with components of those areas, because the terrorists are exploiting the security gaps . Kurdistan Region’s Presidency will make in this context all its efforts and dedicate all its capabilities for this purpose.

"The recent terrorist attack on two of Kakai villages in Khanaqin region, which resulted in casualties, is a clear example of the dangerous and complex development in the situation, which requires urgent steps to be taken to prevent the repetition of similar attacks. Besides our strong condemnation of this crime, we offer their families and relatives condolences and share their sorrows, Barzani added.