2020-05-05 12:06:14

Shafaq News / The International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) said on Tuesday that the Ministry of Education of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), with the support of the organization, launched a satellite channel to support the educational needs of children and adolescents while schools are still closed because of the "Covid-19" pandemic.

An estimated 1.5 million children from grade 1 to grade 12 will be reached at home with a Kurdish curriculum that is also applicable for refugee and displaced children in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI).

“The closure of schools is having a disproportionate impact on the most vulnerable children—those living in poverty and in camps are being left behind because they may not have access to online learning opportunities,” said Hamida Lasseko, UNICEF Representative in Iraq.

“We know from experience that the longer vulnerable children stay away from school, the less likely they are to return. We must all work together to provide different ways for students to continue learning from home and maintain a routine,” she added. The TV channel known as Kanalli Parwadaee will broadcast daily in Arabic, Kurdish (Sorani) and Syriac Languages for an initial period of three months. In addition to the educational content, the channel will also disseminate awareness raising messages about Covid-19, including social distancing and handwashing practices.

Nearly 10 million children and adolescents throughout Iraq have been affected by the closure of schools.

The ministries of education in both Kurdistan Region and the Federal Iraq have digital educational platforms; the satellite television channel in the Kurdistan Region-Iraq is intended for students who have access to the Internet in a limited manner.