2020-03-08 07:26:59

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani congratulated on Sunday, 8th of March 2020, women in   Kurdistan Region and the world on the occasion of International Women's Day, calling her to play her usual role in contributing to strengthening preventive measures against Corona virus.

Barzani said in a statement, "I congratulate women in Kurdistan region and the world on the occasion of International Women's Day. The revival of the 8th of March is an appreciation of the struggle of women for social justice, equality and ending injustice and oppression.

"The Kurdish women have played a pivotal role in the liberation struggle of the people of Kurdistan against occupation and societal oppression, and we salute the struggle of women in Kurdistan - especially Peshmerga fighters - from Kurdistan revolutions to their role in fighting the ISIS terrorists, we renew the commitment of Kurdistan Regional Government to protect and defend human rights in general and women's rights in particular, and to ensure equal opportunities for employment and participation in various areas of life. "

He called on women in Kurdistan Region to "exercise their effective role in spreading health awareness and applying health instructions to prevent the emerging corona virus, and we also ask them to urge all family members and relatives to take care of hygiene and preserve the environment, which is a national duty and responsibility that lies on everyone."