2020-06-22 11:33:59

Shafaq News/ A Kurdish security source reported, on Monday, that Peshmerga forces strengthened their reinforcements on the borders between the outskirts of Khanaqin (Diyala governorate) and Kalar (Al-Sulaymaniyah governorate) to track ISIS terrorists who are fleeing Diyala.

General Abdul Amir al-Shammari, Deputy Commander of Joint Operations, announced on Monday launching "Iraq Champions" operation-phase three, to clear and inspect areas in Saladin Governorate, as well as Diyala, Samarra and Kirkuk.

The source told Shafaq news agency, that Peshmerga forces are in charge of the borders of Kalar district, in coordination with Garmyan police and other security forces, and blocked all the terrorist's infiltration points.

"Peshmerga sector has not witnessed any violations or terrorist attacks for several months after updating the plans and strengthening the security forces and intelligence operations carried out by the regional forces", the source said.