2020-06-12 16:40:03

Shafaq News / A source in Peshmerga forces revealed today, the plans of reinforcing the Peshmerga segments between Diyala and Kurdistan region.

"The Peshmerga leadership reinforced the troops stationing in the Kalar-Khanaqin border. Such reinforcements aimed to block the terrorists' transportation and infiltration routes, securing the villages and security blocks in the region", the military source informed Shafaq news agency.
The source added that Iraqi forces in the vicinity of Khanaqin carried out pre-emptive operations to pursue the terrorists' nests on the outskirts of Khanaqin.
In the same context, the media spokesman for the police directorate in Garmyan, Lt. Col. Ali Jamal Qadduri, confirmed to Shafaq News agency, that Garmyan police forces participated in the operations near the administrative borders of the Kurdistan Region, in conjunction with Peshmerga and Asayish forces.
Since the withdrawal of the Peshmerga forces in 2017, the outskirts of the Khanaqin district witnessed recurrent security breaches. However, the Peshmerga forces relocating in the region, a little more than month ago, ceased the attacks and sealed the gaps, which restored stability in the surrounding villages.