2020-06-30 14:49:07

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) announced, on Tuesday, that four of its fighters and 100 Turkish soldiers were killed in the clashes over the past two weeks.

"The Turkish military operation at the border areas inside the territory of Kurdistan region is still under way and has led, so far, to the death of four PKK militants in the northern area of Haftanin," Zagros Hiwa, the spokesman for the Relations Committee of Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK), the armed wing of the PKK, told Shafaq News agency, "100 Turkish soldiers were killed and two Turkish helicopters were shooted down as well".

Hiwa praised the, "Arabic positions that condemned the Turkish military operation", calling for practical positions to stop the Turkish attacks.

Turkey has intensified its air and artillery attacks on the border areas within the Kurdistan Region in the past two weeks, causing human and material casualties.

While Ankara says that the attacks target the PKK, Kurdistan Regional Government condemned the Turkish act. In the same context, KRG demanded the PKK to spare the Kurdistan the outcomes of this conflict leave the region.