2020-06-08 17:36:10

Shafaq News / Police forces in Kirkuk governorate tightened today, Monday, the procedures, as the curfew dates its second day, in a quest to limit the spread of Covid-19.
A source in the province told Shafaq News agency that, "according to the decisions of the Federal National Safety Committee in Baghdad, Kirkuk governorate imposes a strict curfew," noting that it was decided to block most roads and bridges after the recommendations of Iraq's Higher Committee for Health and National Safety, adding that, "the curfew was imposed by the security forces that closed all the markets and roads to avoid the spread of the virus," explaining that this time the curfew is firmly and strongly strengthened due to rising infection and fatality rates in Kirkuk governorate.
Iraq's Higher Committee for Health and National Safety decided to impose a comprehensive curfew in the country starting from Sunday for a week, aiming to contain the spread of the virus.
Covid-19 infections and fatalities in Iraqi cities have increased dramatically in the past few days. This raised fears of losing control of the pandemic.
On Monday, the Iraqi Ministry of Health announced the registration of 24 fatalities and 1115 new active case, which brought the total number of fatalities and infections to 370 and 13481 respectively.