2020-06-01 08:30:56

Shafaq News / After the spike in the number of those infected with the new coronavirus (COVID-19) in Kurdistan Region, has raised fears that hospitals designated to receive the infected people cannot absorb all cases rise , which prompted the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) to search for alternatives and call those who are able to play their role to do what they can preventing this danger from Citizens.

(ASA) Hospital is one of the special centers for receiving people infected with the virus, as it was built on the initiative of a number of businessmen from the people of Sulaymaniyah.

The hospital capacity is (65) beds as a maximum, and there are currently (40) infected people.

Most of the cases are in stable condition, the hospital administration told Shafaq News Agency.

Shafaq News had a tour in the hospital departments to find out the conditions of the patients and the medical and administrative staff’s preparations in them to receive other numbers.

KRG Minister of Health, for his part, confirmed in a statement that his ministry may resort to converting some hotels in cities with increased cases of corona infection into centers to receive them, which is an indication to the validity of previous statements by the Director of Sulaimaniyah Health that "the disaster is inevitable" if citizens do not commit with the procedures and instructions announced by the KRG ministries of health and the interior.

Authorities in Kurdistan Region began to implement a total lockdown that begins today, and ends on the 6th of current month after the high number of cases of the epidemic.