2020-06-21 20:55:49

Shafaq News / Kurdistan Region Presidency issued, on Sunday, a detailed statement on the meetings of the region's president, Nechirvan Barzani, with the three presidencies and Iraqi leaders in the capital, Baghdad.

A statement received by Shafaq News agency quoted Barzani confirming that, "it is the time to reach an understanding".

As by the statement, president Nechirvan Barzani insisted, in all his meetings, that Iraq and Kurdistan share the same destiny and problems, as, "The problems of Iraq and Kurdistan Region are the problems of all Iraqis".

"After the bitter experience of disputes over the past years, we must not go back to the past. It is time for us to reach a common understanding and solve the problems, through a comprehensive agreement that satisfies both parties and provides security, stability, justice and progress to the present and future of Iraq", Barzani stressed.

Barzani asserted, "the willingness of Kurdistan Region to solve all outstanding problems and files with the federal government on the basis of the constitution and taking into consideration the federal system, rights, duties and current priorities of the citizens".

For their part, the Iraqi leaders and political parties described Barzani's visit under these circumstances, according to the statement as, "a promising step and a sign of a goodwill to solve problems", praising, "Kurdistan's readiness for dialogue".

All parties emphasized also, the importance of cooperation between Peshmerga and the Iraqi army, the continuous support of the international coalition against ISIS, the role of the United Nations in Iraq, the protection of the sovereignty and borders of the country and the development of relations with neighboring countries, the region and the world on the basis of mutual respect and common interests.