2020-03-30 11:16:16

Shafaq News / Soran District Department in Erbil Governorate in Kurdistan Region announced on Monday, the imposition of a quarantine on thousands of residents in one of the areas of the district, after one of its residents was diagnosed with Corona virus upon his return from Britain, followed by 5 of his relatives receiving the infection.

The Head of the administrative district, Izzat Karmang told Shafaq News that "about 40,000 people in Khilifan district center in Erbil have been placed under quarantine."

Concerning the main road that passes through the city center towards the Soran district and Haj Omran border crossing, Karmang said, "We have put in place a mechanism not to close the road, but only quarantine the city's residents and vehicles will pass through it."

With regard to statistics on the number of infected people, Head of the administrative district said "Their numbers are not small, but we must wait for a statement from the Ministry of Health."

The Ministry of Health of Kurdistan Regional Government, announced on Monday, recording 8 new infections with Corona virus in Erbil.

A ministry statement said, "The infections were distributed to a man, a woman, and three children, all of whom are relatives of a case that was diagnosed yesterday in Khilifan area returning from Britain." ”

This brings the number of Corona infections in the region to 150, including two deaths and 55 recovering cases.