2020-06-08 14:51:40

Shafaq News / A second case of corona virus (Covid-19) cases was recorded on Monday in Sulaymaniyah governorate ,a source in Sulaymaniyah Health Department revealed.

“The dead man is 45-year-old man, who died in "Shahid ASO" hospital as a result of being infected with Covid-19,” the source told Shafaq News Agency.

This is the second death in Sulaimaniyah on Monday, as Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Ministry of Health announced in a statement a few hours ago that a 66-year-old man also died due to the virus.

Sulaymaniyah is currently the COVID-19 epicenter in the Kurdistan Region with more than 538 confirmed cases.

A total of 1,324 people have been confirmed as active carriers of the virus across Kurdistan Region. Of this number, 28 have died and 458 have recovered.