2020-06-06 10:43:04

Shafaq News / Sulaymaniyah Province administration in Kurdistan Region disclosed on Saturday that Penjwin District was the hardest hit by Corona virus (Covid-19) among all districts of the region.

" The percentage of virus infections in the district increased to 65 cases, including 18 cases of health workers due to the presence of border influencers between the region and Iran as well as the harvest season, ," the director of Penjwin Health District, Khaled Abdullah told Shafaq News Agency.

 "There is no center for treating corona in the district so we had to send the infected people to special care centers in Sulaymaniyah,” Abdullah added.

"Over the past 24 hours, the medical teams perform random checks in the district and we are waiting for the results of the tests that look good at all”.

"There are fears of spreading the virus even more, so we asked for help from the Ministry of Health and the Health Department in Sulaymaniyah." Abdullah pointed out