2020-03-19 07:43:05

Shafaq News / The Director of Health Department in Sulaimaniyah Province, Dr. Sabah Hawrami announced on Thursday that the province has made progress in curbing the spread of Corona virus.

"Thank God so far, we have made a good stage in fighting Corona virus," Dr. Huarmi said in a statement today.

The director of health called on citizens to stay home while complying with health instructions.

Sulaymaniyah Health Directorate in Kurdistan Region announced, on Wednesday evening, that four cases of Corona virus have recovered.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Health in Kurdistan Regional Government announced that a five-year-old boy got Corona infection in Sulaymaniyah province who was living in Takiyya district.

Thus, Kurdistan has recorded recovery of 13 cases of Corona virus, which infected 39 people and caused the death of one person.