2020-04-02 10:00:12

Shafaq News / The District administration of Sulaymaniyah province announced on Thursday that it recorded an increase in prices of some goods and foodstuffs in the province.

A member of the Trade Committee of the District administration , Soran Ghaffour attributed in a statement to Shafaq News, the high prices due to the late arrival of trucks loaded with goods and foodstuffs, and staying in the border crossings because of the preventive measures taken to limit the spread of the virus.

He explained that the committee monitors shops owners and penalizes those who raise the prices of goods .

Ghafour added, "Because trucks loaded with goods remain in the border crossings, we cannot control the price of the materials and remain stable because the food agents complain that their consignments remain in the border crossings costs them more, so they are forced to raise prices."

It is noteworthy that the demand for purchasing food has increased significantly since the outbreak of Corona virus in Kurdistan Region and Iraq, despite the assurances by the governments of Erbil and Baghdad to the population of abundant food stocks.