2020-05-28 14:42:42

Shafaq News / The Public Health Directorate of Sulaymaniyah governorate expressed its concern on Thursday of the increasing risks of coronavirus in the governorate during the coming period.

More than 55 cases of the virus are currently in Sulaymaniyah hospitals, the numbers are getting worse and if they reach 100 cases in the coming days, the danger alarm will be announced,” Deputy Director of Sulaimaniyah Health Department, Dr. Hirsh Saleem told Shafaq News agency.

He noted that citizens are not adhering to health protection guidelines and they are not avoiding crowded places, stressing that this is making greater risk in increasing the spread of the virus.

Dr. Salim added that the authorities cannot impose a total curfew in Sulaymaniyah city due to the critical economic situation, calling on the people to commit to the instructions and preventive measures represented by wearing masks and gloves, to maintain sterilization, and to use antiseptics on an ongoing basis.

Kurdistan Region recorded since the outbreak of Corona virus 544 cases, including 5 deaths, 407 recovery cases and 132 cases under treatment.

Sulaymaniyah had announced at the beginning of May that it is free of the emerging corona virus after the last 5 patients had recovered completely, but a few days later, the province suffered a relapse with which new cases returned, and the last of which was yesterday with 16 cases recorded, according to a statement from Kurdistan Regional Ministry of Health.