2020-07-09 18:15:23

Shafaq News / Tens of dervishes gathered on Thursday in front of one of the Kurdistan entrances to attend the burial ceremony of the leader of the Kisnazi method, Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Karim.

A local source told Shafaq News agency that the security forces prevented tens of dervishes from Baghdad, Diyala and Al Anbar from entering Al-Sulaymaniyah.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic, Kurdistan followed precautionary measures, closed their entry points through the Iraqi governorates and their border outlets.

It is noteworthy that the leader of the Kisnazi method in Iraq and the world, Sheikh Muhammad Abdul Karim Al-Kasnazani Al-Husseini, died on the fourth of this July, at the age of 82, and his burial ceremony will be held in Al- Sulaymaniyah.

Earlier, General Mariwan Kamal, the director of the Bashmakh border crossing, told Shafaq News agency that these Sheikhs and Dervishes had not tested for Covid-19.