2020-05-27 10:56:02

Shafaq News / The head of the local government in Erbil, the capital of Kurdistan Region, Firsat Sofi said on Wednesday that the authorities will not extend the total curfew again, expressing at the same time his concerns that Corona virus would become a pandemic if people don’t commit to the instructions and preventive measures after returning commercial and industrial work , open markets and mosques.

Sofi said in a press conference held after his visit to the official of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan in Erbil, that the Ministry of Interior will issue new instructions regarding the curfew, adding that "the curfew will not be imposed again because citizens must practice their work and their lives are important to us , we want to create a balance between it and health preventive instructions and measures.”

He added that the number of corona infections is increasing, and we have fears that corona will turn into a pandemic and spread in society, and then we will not be able to control it.

Sofi added by saying that the emergence of the virus again is due to the resumption of commercial and industrial activities and opening mosques and markets, "stressing that if citizens do not take caution and do not observe instructions, then the spread of the virus and turning it into a pandemic is very likely to happen."