2020-06-17 12:26:47

Shafaq News / Sources in the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) said, on Wednesday, that Turkish forces did not penetrate the borders of Kurdistan Region but commandos were air dropped into Duhok province.

The sources told Shafaq News agency that, "The Turkish commando forces carried out an airdrop by military helicopters on the heights of Haftanin, with an air cover by F-16 military aircraft". Adding that, "PKK fighters clashed with Turkish forces".

The Turkish Ministry of Defense launched, on Wednesday Dawn, a military operation against PKK fighters in the rugged mountainous region within the borders of Kurdistan Region.

The operation, dubbed "Tiger Claw", targets the PKK groups, which Turkey accuses of terrorism.

In the same context, Iranian artillery bombarded a village belonging to Haji Omeran in Erbil province, the capital of Kurdistan Region.