2020-07-10 10:54:13

Shafaq News / A member of the Security and Defense Committee in the Iraqi parliament, Harim Agha, revealed today, Friday, that "advanced talks" are taking place between the Ministry of Defense and Peshmerga, to approve mechanisms for the participation of the Kurdish forces in maintaining security in the disputed areas.

Agha told Shafaq News agency, the Defense and Peshmerga ministries are considering several options for the Peshmerga participation in bridging the gaps in the disputed areas, and not leaving any security voids for ISIS terrorists.

He clarified that the talks focused on securing more than 500 km extending from the outskirts of Diyala to the borders of Rabia district in Nineveh, which are fragile security voids and infiltration points to the provinces of Diyala, Kirkuk and Saladin, announcing the formation of committees to survey these areas and take the necessary measures and plans to maintain security in it.

The meetings between the defense and Peshmerga are underway to agree on mechanisms to secure the security-tense areas by installing joint checkpoints between security forces, the Peshmerga, Al-Hashd or joint forces.

It is noteworthy that the Peshmerga and local security forces "Asayish" withdrew from the disputed areas after a military campaign launched by the Iraqi forces supported by Al-Hash al-Shaabi in mid-October of 2017 on the background of the independence referendum conducted by Kurdistan Region on September 25 of the same year.

Since that withdrawal, ISIS has intensified its attacks in the fragile areas of security between the provinces of Diyala, Kirkuk and Nineveh, taking advantage of the security void left.