2020-06-02 20:05:05

Shafaq news/ The presidential office stated that the Kurdish president hosted Tueller on Tuesday, as they discussed the current status in Iraq and Kurdish region. The president of Kurdistan region and the American ambassador to Iraq reviewed the issues of Covid-19 outbreak and its economic consequences, the resurgence of ISIS movements, al-Kadhimi's government and the strategic dialogue between Iraq and America taking place this month.
The statement indicated that Barzani emphasized the Region's support for Al-Kadhimi in his endeavor to fill the blanks in the ministerial cabinet, as this will boost his administration's efforts to cope with the economic, political and security challenges; and effectively manage Covid-19 pandemic spread.
Tueller also visited the Kurdish leader Masoud Barzani in his headquarters in Salah al-Din, near Erbil, according to a statement posted on Barzani's official website.
The two parties shared thoughts concerning hot topics on the current political table and the establishment of the new Iraqi government. The leader of Kurdistan Democratic party, as well as Tueller, pressed on the importance of expanding the cooperation between the Kurdistan Region, Iraq and the United States of America.
The statement said that, "the spotlight was shed on ISIS resurrection, and the issue of the Kurdish areas that are not administered by the Kurdish regional government, as well as the conditions of the refugees", And that the US ambassador in Baghdad "appreciates the positive role of President Barzani in this matter and toward issues of tolerance and coexistence in the Kurdistan Region."