2020-05-30 14:55:14

Shafaq News / The Prime Minister of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) , Masrour Barzani expressed on Saturday his concern about Kurdish farmers being targeted in the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad.

This came during a meeting today with the Special Operations Joint Task Force (SOJTF) Commander of the International coalition, Major General Eric T. Hill, according to a statement issued by KRG in which Shafaq News Agency received a copy of it.

The statement stated that the latest developments in Iraq and the region were discussed , consultations were exchanged on ways to enhance coordination between Peshmerga forces and the international coalition forces, as well as the need to continue joint cooperation between the two sides in order to address the threats of ISIS terrorists.

The Prime Minister expressed his concern over the growing ISIS terrorist activity in the Kurdish areas outside KRG administration, especially the attacks and kidnappings that affect Kurdish farmers and farmers in those areas.

For his part, Maj.Gen. Eric T. Hill indicated that Kurdistan Region is an important partner for the United States and the international coalition in the region, pointing out at the same time that the war on terrorism has not yet ended, so it is necessary to continue and strengthen coordination with Iraq and Kurdistan Region.

KRG Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources said on Friday that there is a "systematic" burning of Kurdish farmers' crops going on in the disputed areas between the federal government and the region.