2020-05-22 19:57:29

Shafaq News / PM of Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG), Masrour Barzani said on Friday that his government had taken serious steps in discussions with Baghdad to resolve years of outstanding disputes, expressing his government's willingness to resolve it with the new Iraqi government headed by Mustafa Al-Kadhimi.

This came in a televised speech on the economic crisis afflicting the region.

“Kurdistan Region has taken serious steps in relations with the federal government since the 9th ministerial formation formally assumed its mission in July 2019 (Adel Abdul Mahdi government,” Barzani said.

"Our first visits were to Baghdad– in which we expressed our readiness to resolve all disputes based on the constitution and put forward several proposals to end the outstanding issues, especially the oil issue- but unfortunately, the situation in Baghdad aggravated last October and the Iraqi government resigned after pressure of the protests."

"Now the new Iraqi government, headed by Mr. Mustafa Al-Kadhmi, has started its duties, we have renewed our readiness to resolve all differences and to guarantee the constitutional rights of Kurdistan Region as a federal entity."

“Our latest effort was to send three delegations to Baghdad, and we will continue our talks until reaching a fair and constitutional solution,” Barzani added.