2019-09-30 10:42:19

Shafaq News/ The Secretary General of the Yezidi Democratic Party Commander of the Protection Forces "Ezidkhan" Haider Shashu expressed on Monday his list support for "Kurdistan Alliance" (KDP) to run the local elections in the disputed Kurdish areas.

"We want to run in the elections in the list of (Kurdistan Alliance) in Mosul and Sinjar because this list is in the interest of the Kurds in general and the Yazidis in particular," Shashu told Voice of America radio.

On the intervention of Kurdistan Workers Party in determining the issue of alliances to participate in the elections, Shashu said, "This party does not have the right to interfere in this matter as it is a heavy guest on the people of Sinjar," stressing that "the Yazidis refuse Sinjar to become like Qandil or Afrin."

Nine Kurdish parties agreed on Saturday to form an alliance including: Kurdistan Democratic Party, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Change Movement, Kurdistan Islamic Union, Kurdistan Islamic Group, Kurdistan Islamic Movement, the Communist Party of Kurdistan, the Social Democratic Party of Kurdistan, Kurdistan Democratic Party and Industrious of Kurdistan.

The alliance will contest in elections in the disputed areas between Erbil and Baghdad in Kirkuk, Nineveh, Diyala and Salah al-Din provinces.

A statement issued by those nine parties and all Kurdish forces called to join that alliance, stressing the common coexistence among all components in those provinces.