2020-07-21 08:46:11

Shafaq News / Iranian minister of foreign affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif tweeted about his visit to Kurdistan and meeting senior officials in the region.

Zarif stressed that "Strong relations with all Iraqis remain a cornerstone of Iran's policy".

Zarif said, "fruitful continuation of visit to Iraqi Kurdistan. Met with KDP president Masoud Barzani, Iraqi Kurdistan Pres. Nechirvan Barzani and region PM Masrour Barzani".

During the meetings, both parties discussed strengthening relations between the region and the Islamic Republic of Iran, especially in commercial exchange, and the need for joint coordination to combat COVID-19 pandemic.

The two sides also discussed the latest developments in Iraq and the region, emphasizing the need to solve the outstanding problems between Kurdistan Region and the federal government under the constitution.