2020-03-12 18:41:45

Shafaq News / Usually, it is not agreed upon a specific political figure and if the opposite happens, this leads to some focus in this matter that is almost unique, such as what Shafaq News opens to solve this question and answer a specific one "How did the Iraqi-Kurdish mood agree on him?”.

"Nechirvan Idris Mustafa Barzani" .. This full name, leads to three generations of leadership, was a prominent axis in the Kurdish issue on one hand and the relationship that brought Kurdistan Region towards Iraq to reach the regional and western ocean.

Nechirvan Barzani, who is known as the man of peace, and the architect of construction in Kurdistan Region, does not seem to be strange but rather an accumulation of the struggle of a family, he is the son of peace engineer in the Kurdish movement Idris Barzani, the grandson of the Kurdish spiritual leader, Mulla Mustafa Barzani, and his uncle the Kurdish leader ,Masoud Barzani.

Nechirvan Barzani for those who do not know him

He was born on September 21, 1966 in Barzan region, and immigrated with his family to Iran in 1975, after years of armed struggle led by his grandfather Mullah Mustafa Barzani against the Iraqi government after Iraq and Iran concluded the Algiers Agreement.

He became a member of the Political Bureau of Kurdistan Democratic Party in 1989 and in 1996 he was elected as Deputy Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region and became Prime Minister of the region in 1999.

In 2006 he became the Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region again (the unified government that gathered the Patriotic Union and Kurdistan Democratic parties ).

He was re-elected to the same position again from 2011 to 2013.

He assumed the position of prime minister again from 2013 to 2018 and became vice president of Kurdistan Democratic Party at the 13th party conference.

He was elected a Democratic Party candidate for the post of President of the Region on December 3, 2018.

The beginning of the story

After gaining autonomy and emerging from the hegemony of Baghdad after 1991 and forming Kurdistan Region, Barzani family painted Renaissance frameworks in the region, and Nechirvan Barzani played a prominent role in that.

After the first generation laid the basic building block for the military power of Peshmerga, from which the tight security part of the region emerged, the role came to the thinking mind of the economic and educational renaissance, and Nechirvan Barzani began launching plans to develop cities and build universities, schools and hospitals, Kurdistan Region quickly became the most prominent and fastest growing area in the region, and an exceptional part in the new Iraq.

Today, many in Iraq agree that the administration in Kurdistan Region has outgrown the rest of the cities, and international and domestic statistics reinforce this, in torn Iraq by political disputes and prompted its residents to come out with protests to change the situation.

Nechirvan Barzani in the Iraqi protests squares

Shafaq News polled the leaders of the demonstrations in Iraq, with a specific question, "How do you evaluate the role and performance of Nechirvan Barzani in what Kurdistan Region has achieved?

The activist in Tahrir Square, Muhammad Rahim answered directly by answering the difference between Kurdistan Region and the capital, Baghdad, in terms of urbanism and service, and stressed that "the matter does not stop here, but that the development continues in Kurdistan Region, and of course led to making it one of the important tourist and economic areas in the east Middle East in general, and Iraq in particular. "

He adds to Shafaaq News, but in Baghdad it remained in the hands of politicians in quotas and made it a prisoner of ruin.

Rahim says from inside the protest tent in Tahrir Square, "Politics is an art, and this is what he is good at-   Nechirvan Barzani, when he went towards international agreements that led to building and construction and improving the life and living conditions of citizens, while those of us have gone towards fighting and separation."

As for the activist in Al-Tahrir Square, Aseel Muzahim, who visits Al-Tahrir Square daily , the beating heart of Iraq, she tells Shafaq News that "the region's administration thinks about the interests of its people first, away from the dependencies and external interference, in complete contrast to what is happening in Baghdad from divisions."

Activist Ali Abdel-Khalek believes that "the region is politically more balanced in its relationship with Baghdad, even in the context of its representation with its regional and international surroundings, despite the tension and complexity of the political situation in Baghdad, the region's government is more committed to its positions and more mature."

Umayyah Al-Hadithi observes the Iraqi issue and diagnoses the situation more. She says to Shafaq News, "President Nechirvan Barzani has a leadership and administrative personality that he gained from his experience in political work plus that his family has a history of ruling, in addition to that the president is internationally accepted and has strong relations with all the influencing countries, these and other factors have positively reflected on what I call "the Kurdistan state", as it is not just a region, the wheel of development, progress and construction in various fields is continuing. This development indicates that those in charge of its management are successful. "

She adds, "When comparing Baghdad and the region, we find no room for that. We did not witness in Baghdad the construction of a school ,a  hospital or the rehabilitation of bridges after 2003, this even reaches the cleanliness of cities. Nothing is there. The educational, health and agricultural sectors are almost collapsed, while the region has become a competitor to the developed countries in these sectors, I think Baghdad needs 20 years to reach what the region has reached today. "

For his part, the academic and head of the Center for Political Thinking, Dr. Ihsan Al-Shammari told Shafaq News, that Nechirvan Barzani is a personality "mixing the old generation of Kurds in Iraq and the new generation looking for new horizons in the nature of developing the region not only internally, but also on the external level, He has political and personal acceptable flexibility to all internal leaders and presidents at the external level. "

He added, "Therefore, we have not seen President Nechirvan Barzani have any conflicts with the federal government until this moment."

Nechirvan Barzani through people who knows him

Ali Hussein Faili, the former deputy in Kurdistan Regional Parliament, talks about specific details and visions about Nechirvan Barzani, the puzzle may be resolved, "How did the Iraqi-Kurdish mood agree on one personality?"
Faili begins his talk to Shafaq News, "It is possible to ask who has rebuilt Kurdistan? There may be some criticism, but given that Kurdistan is part of a federal Iraq and throughout the history of this country that witnessed the destruction, differences can be observed between Erbil and Baghdad, Sulaimaniyah and Basra , Dohuk and Mosul.

"These two parts had a president and a government. At the same time, two plans were implemented in Kurdistan and Iraq, and people evaluated them and saw the differences. Nechirvan Barzani as president of Kurdistan Regional Government and without the infrastructure and the region's specific share made Kurdistan reach this level, while Baghdad has its share of the budget has brought Iraq to the level we see today! They are not a few of those Iraqi citizens who visited Kurdistan, and they wish that there was a Prime Minister as  Nechirvan Barzani who says; that the rich country belongs to all its components, as the cities of the region were once solve problems with bullets, but Nechirvan made them the cities of roses. The region became the force of logic after it was the region of power, says Faili.

He adds, "To answer this question, we have to go back to more than half a century back when the engineer of peace and the late father of Nechirvan Barzani, Idris Barzani, along with President Masoud Barzani, were young …the two main figures in the peace talks with Baghdad that resulted in March 11 agreement 1970”.

He continues, "The late Idris Barzani, from the premise that he is a major party in the reconciliation and peace talks among the competing parties with each other and quarreling with the Baathist government, is always remembered as an engineer of peace. In my opinion, the father's influence on Nechirvan Barzani' was so great that he became part of his party and government duties as a leader of Kurdistan Democratic Party and as head of Kurdistan Regional Government and now he is the president of the Kurdistan RegionHe has an agenda full of peace projects in wars between the parties. Currently, as president of the Kurdistan region, it is natural for him to have a peace project for all of Iraq and the Iraqis as a goal.

Faili says, "With a lot of efforts made for agreement and lasting peace between the region and Iraq, (that is, Nechirvan Barzani) is waiting for a transparent and clear long-term strategy because he aims, through dialogue, to agree with multi-national and multi-religious Iraq, because no party alone can manage ruling this country.

"He does not see Kurdistan and Iraq with two different ways, but rather he see them as complementing each other to enjoy a lasting peace." says Ali Hussain Faili.

He concluded by saying, "Let us not forget that the tasks and recommendations of the man of peace and reconstruction in a country that sanctifies war is very difficult, but a pragmatic person like Nechirvan Barzani did not back down from his goals to find solutions to problems in Kurdistan and Iraq. In my reading, this character, even though he was born from the womb of the legitimate revolution for a people that grew up in the trenches of the struggle, as he even defended the rights of his nation with all his strength, but for the one who reads his work program sees that he does not believe in solving problems with Baghdad through escalation

Baghdad knows the message of Nechirvan Barzani and identifies him in the conversations of dialogues in order to solve problems as a man of peace. As head of the delegations of the region, he participated without reservation and has a positive role.

The important point is that Baghdad has always wanted to participate in the talks, hoping that it will succeed after 100 years of continuous disputes.