2015-09-14 09:04:03

suggested to re-settlement of refugees in the Arctic, far from the cities and towns of the European Union.

It seems that the reality on the ground is beginning to change and become different, and that Enthusiasm of the "old continent" is no longer as it was to receive refugees, the first country from the most enthusiastic was Germany after it imposed censorship on its borders to contain the flow to it, stating that it was no longer able to accept them.

Quickly the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, in favor of the adoption of a hardline approach to the crisis, welcomed the German decision on the Eve of an expected meeting in Brussels of the interior ministers of 28 countries of the European Union to discuss the issue of sharing the burden of refugees, as quoted by agencies, and soon also some European of Eastern cities experienced protests demanding to repel refugees and prevent them from entering, as slogans calling those who want to enter Europe to return home emerged.

The most famous demonstrations was on Saturday and Sunday in Warsaw and in Ljubljana, the capitals of Poland and Slovenia, as more than 5 thousand participated in the first and the same number in the second, which refers to the worsening refugee crisis on the popular level, began to put pressure on governments to look for different solutions, one of which came a little strange from Norway, where the party put a proposal calling to resettle Syrian refugees in the Arctic.

Archipelago area is a third of the Syria’s area ​​ awaits its refugees

Ways which began to stop in front of refugees, who are tens of thousands at the gates of Europe now, made a party in Norway proposes resettling them in affiliated area at the Arctic borders, an archipelago of islands, an area of ​​61 thousand square kilometers, far from Oslo by 2,000 kilometers in the "Barents" Sea interval between Norway and Greenland.

The population of the rich Svalbard Archipelago with coal mines, and famous as the home of more than 20 million seabirds, are currently almost 2600, including 2051 in the capital "to Augierbaan" which is sinking with snow almost all the year, with temperatures there, "as in Canada and Greenland" 12 degrees under zero as a maximum in winter, and 20 ° C in July only, but archipelago is also famous with a problem , it has about 3000 bears, some of them sometimes visit the capital, in search of food to eat in the long winter of 6 months with a very little sun.

News of the proposal made by the Norwegian "Green Party", was reported on Sunday in "The Independent" British newspaper, citing Norwegian media as saying that the party asked the government of the archipelago to study its proposal and the possibility of its application, though it rejected the previous proposal seriously, which is housing convicts in prison or drug addicts to work there for the benefit of a Norwegian company active in the coal field.