2015-06-16 07:24:54

after the authorities and private companies provided them with a bedroom, a TV and a refrigerator.

The ceremony was held in al-Furosiya Hall, where participants were divided into tables covered with white cloth.

The young men wore military uniforms and put a scarf with colors of the Iraqi flag in each man neck, while some of the young women wore veil and some wore military uniforms and covered their head with a white veil.

The Director of Relations and International Cooperation in the Ministry of Youth and Sports ,Akram Naeem said that the latter "paid for the marriage of 250 fighters of PMU fighters and will also offered them with a bedroom , a TV and a fridge for each couple."

He said that Iraqi Airways and local and foreign companies participated in supporting the ceremony, with an estimated cost of about one $ million, according to the same source.

The ceremony began with the national anthem a minute of silence and stand to mourn the fighters who were killed nearly a year ago by ISIS, as the ceremony included chants of national and supporter enthusiastic poems of the PMU rally popular mostly of Shiite armed factions and volunteers took up arms in response to the Fatwa of the highest religious Marjaa in Iraq, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani.

The slogan "Towards Happiness" was raised on a large banner bearing a drawing of a fighter from PMU carrying a weapon and equipments and heading to his bride.

Faleh sid Nuri (22 years old), from Babil province (south) said that , "The military uniform is a great honor and I feel happy and proud that I am wearing it even in my marriage."

The bride Sahar (22 years old ) said that "this is the most beautiful wedding dress and I am proud of my husband and all of his friends who are getting married today with us."

For his part, Fadel Zainal Abidin from Kirkuk province (north) said that, "Marriage in military clothes is beautiful in order to emphasize our determination to jihad and fight ISIS".

ISIS organization controlled large areas north and west of Iraq since its large attack in June 2014.

The Iraqi government has resorted to PMU to fight ISIS and retake areas controlled by ISIS.

PMU and the security forces backed by international coalition’s raids led by the United States were able to retake some areas. But the organization still controls the major cities as Mosul, one of the first areas that has fallen in front of ISIS in last year's attack, as well as Ramadi dominated by ISIS in May.