2014-01-28 08:21:38

, ministers and Kurdish MPs in Baghdad , to explain what happened in the joint talks between Kurdistan Region and Baghdad .

Barzani said in a speech published by Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) site , briefed by " Shafaq News " , that the goal of the meeting id to discuss these issues in detail .

He also reviewed in his speech , the achievements of Kurdistan in the last term , and highlighted the service and Urban sides.

He revealed his agreement with al- Maliki’s government that " Each Party shall have the choice in the application of the oil and gas policy in the framework of the Iraqi constitution , and you can see letter and the agreement that we have reached at that time with al-Maliki ."

So on this basis , an agreement took place within the framework of the new Iraqi constitution and KRG to refer the draft law of oil and gas to the Parliament and since then, until this day , the government is running the affairs of the oil and gas in the framework of the Constitution and did not come out of this agreement .

With regard to the solution of outstanding problems with Baghdad , Barzani said " we can invest oil in Kurdistan Region today and we have completed the oil pipeline and can export oil through Turkish territory , but we have not do that yet and didn’t sell one barrel of this oil , as we seek to achieve solutions with Baghdad to address this issue “.

He renewed that what Baghdad wants is different from what we have set of solutions to address the issue, and can shorten the disputed points by the following " Baghdad tells us to hand them the oil and leave the option of selling the oil in the market to us also , then I will send the Iraqi budget , and use it as a red card against Kurdistan , use it , take advantage of it and deduct it from the budget between now and then . "

"So this time , we informed in Baghdad frankly that we do not accept any form of threats by deducting our Kurdistan’s share of the overall budget , because deducting the budget would not be in favor of Baghdad nor Kurdistan Region , and not in the interest of any side to use the language of threats in dealing " .

Then Nechirvan Barzani talked about the differences between Erbil and Baghdad on this issue , and said that " our differences lie in one point , they demand us to deliver the region’s oil to SOMO , sell it and put the proceeds into the budget in Baghdad , then we'll send them to you , and Kurdistan Region has no right more than that. "


According to Barzani:

1. We are with the process of transparency of exporting oil and SOMO participation with us.

2. Participate in considering the amount of oil exported through the counter devices.

3. To join us in the process of transparency in oil contracts because there are advertisements that we strive to sell oil in low prices, and this is not true and there is no such thing , we seek to sell oil on international standards and on form of auctions, and are ready for SOMO participation with us in the sales process .

4. We want to the return mechanism to be for the region without Baghdad threatening us daily to deduct the budget, we cannot accept any form of these threats . "

In conclusion, the Prime Minister called on the Kurdish representatives in Iraq and Kurdistan Region to support the process , and declared , " In this regard , it is your right to ask any question or concern about the process, but that requires a national decision on this matter , we should not be divided on this issue , especially during this phase, which will be easier than drafting the constitution .