2014-01-24 10:21:24

Armed groups preempted Anbar current events by several months to start blowing up bridges , small and strategic ones alike.
The first bombing of a bridge is linked to what is happening in Anbar province, in accordance with " Shafaq News " follow-up at 24 of last September , unidentified gunmen put explosive devices on both sides of Fahemi bridge, which is a vital bridge that link between Hadetha districts had been blown up and caused damages that reached 60% of the bridge without causing human casualties , according to a security source in Anbar police .
In 23 of last October,  insurgents detonated a car bomb in bridge 210 on the road international that link between Iraq and Jordan by Rutba district west of Ramadi , resulting in the collapse of the bridge completely . "
The next step was the bombing of four bridges at once, where the armed groups in 18 of last November blew up four bridges on the international strategic road link between Iraq and Jordan, just 20 miles north Rutba district in Anbar , in a move described by security officials as the second stage by Islamic State of Iraq in deducting a land and control it as Nusrah Front does in Syria
One day before that , gunmen blew up al-Thayaa bridge near Rutba town west of Anbar , after insurgents planted roadside bombs at its sides , the explosion did not cause casualties .
After that , things started to tense with the threats of Baghdad to end the sit- in squares in Anbar province , when unidentified gunmen blew up a bridge in a remote location from what is going on in Anbar , where a truck bomb driven by a suicide bomber on 10th of current  January exploded over al- Kawir strategic bridge (40 km southern east of Mosul ) , which connects the city with Kirkuk province , which resulted in the destruction of large parts of the bridge without casualties.
Last bombing of a bridge , took place in 17th of current month, when unidentified gunmen blew a bridge located in al-Rwatha area that links Anbar and Karbala provinces, which is used for the passage of military convoys and had been collapsed completely after the bombing by explosive devices planted in it without causing any casualties , according to an Iraqi security source .
The political analyst , Sabah Zangana said in his interview for " Shafaq News " that " the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant ( Daash ) and other groups are trying to simulate the U.S. plan during the entry of Iraq in 2003 by hitting all the bridges , land and water crossings."
"It seems that these groups fear that these roads will be a way for tribes to enter with the Iraqi army, and the other issue is that they will put themselves in inevitable death box as there is no way or a place to escape , but to fight until the end”.
"The militants will try to say that the government has cut off food and medicine for the people , it is a war between the government and the people, while in fact they are seeking to establish an emirate of them that is not linked to any road with the rest of the regions and declare taking over these areas separate from the rest of the country."
Zangana  added that the " insurgents also seek to show to the Iraqi security forces that they can’t protect the vital and strategic bridges to undermine its reputation ."
" Insurgents forgot that the war with them is not by land only , there Iraqi warplanes provided by modern technology are striking their strongholds and the army can transfer their supplies and ammunition by air to the areas chosen by the military and security leaders so easily “.
He pointed out that " military engineering effort can set up pontoon and temporariness bridges very quickly , in case the bridge was destroyed, as there is no difficulty in re-establishing bridges in the flat roads “.
The Iraqi forces with thousands of people from the tribes have engaged in fighting in Anbar province since more than 3 weeks ago against armed militants mostly belong to al- Qaeda organization and ( Daash ) organization, as well as gunmen likely belong to so-called Naqshbandi men organization, led by former Iraqi Vice President and the first wanted to Baghdad , Izzat al-Douri , the majority of those belong to outlawed Baath Party.