2014-09-15 07:12:05

will strengthen Iran and its allies or agents in Baghdad and Damascus.

The Editor of Middle East affairs , Ian Black wrote a report in which he addressed the difficulties that surround the participation of Arab countries in raids targeting the "Islamic state" in Iraq and Syria.

The report began by noting that " Arab countries participation in the raids led by the United States has a symbolic importance to dispel the impression that this is another American war in the Middle East."

Black said that despite the fact that Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Qatar has hundreds of advanced fighters, but the GCC countries do not have almost no experience in joint action.

Editor of Middle East affairs in the Guardian, Ian Blakcofatt said that some difficulties have already begun to emerge, such as Turkey's refusal to allow the use of its bases to launch air strikes.

The editor added that both Saudi Arabia and the UAE, "fears that finishing ISIS organization will strengthen Iran and its allies or its agents in Baghdad and Damascus."

The two countries are worried about whether President Barack Obama will continue in the mission until the end, and in the light of the position of the Syrian war and doing nothing after the use of Syrian President B,ashar al-Assad for chemical weapons.