2015-09-23 10:03:08

thousand of asylum seekers who have arrived through Italy, Greece, Hungary, on all Member States for a period of two years.

The new European agreement as confirmed by Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Jan Asselborn, whose country holds the current EU, was issued despite opposition from four Member States ; Hungary, Romania, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with Finland decline from voting, also came after one week of European ministers failed to reach an agreement on this issue.

According to the new agreement ,the responsibility of receiving refugees must be among all Member States with financing the host even for countries that were against the initiative, as the new distribution plan will be applied in two phases, the first phase to start the transfer of 66 thousand refugees from Italy, Greece and the most affected countries by the crisis to migrate to other Member States.

The second phase is linked to the rest of the refugees, or 54 thousand, who mostly arrived via Hungary, where they will be considered as “ reserve refugees “  and will be distributed in other Member States on the stage, after the establishment of quotas for each state.

The scenes of the agreement

The Journalist specializing in EU affairs, Martha Porras said that 'we can be sure that the agreement was made after the adoption of the French and German for strengthening controls on the external borders of the EU demands'.

She added in an interview with al-Jazerra net that this proposal would put a clear timetable for the start-up registration and refugee reception centers, which will retain the refugees during the period of processing asylum applications and the possibility of return to their country of origin if their case was rejected , which contributed to reassure some reluctant countries'.

For her part, an expert on European affairs , Maria Ruiz confirmed that the agreement was delayed by the refusal of Hungary for its share of refugees in the first proposal prepared by the European Commission, as the main gate for those who want asylum to take advantage of the right to international protection.

She noted, that the new distribution formed a success for the Hungarian government after the European Union was forced to back down and reduce its stake, considering it as a continuation of the policy of the European Union to reach a satisfactory consensus to all parties.

Legal objections

The director of Amnesty International's EU Office , Laverna McGowan said that the European countries did not accept the fact that this is a global refugee crisis that would increase the number of arrivals to Europe, which is now visible and increasingly worrying.

She added 'EU leaders have focused on closing the doors and prevent the entry of their countries by taking repressive border control measures, and through practices or laws that prevent the coming people from the right to seek asylum in practice, ignoring the reasons that drive people to head to the European Union, such as conflicts and human rights violations'.

She noted that it is concerning in the European Commission plan to distribute the refugees, is that it require security clearance, which raises serious questions about possible arrests and coercive means to force people to move to Member States who may not have families or financial support.