2015-05-12 07:06:00

to meet with President Obama , members of Congress , some important political centers and media.

Rafee al-Issawi is considered the most prominent leaders who took senior positions, most notably the Ministry of Finance in the era of Nuri al-Maliki then he disagreed with him and then resigned, he stayed in Anbar surrounded by tribes and civic groups supporting him.

Inviting him by Washington for the second time came as a tacit recognition that he is one of the prominent Sunni Arab leaders.

The visit coincided with the Congress to approve the project of arming clans in Sunni provinces and Kurdistan Region in isolation from the central government, which raised negative feedback against Washington, which returned and said that reinforcement, will be under the supervision of the government.

A statement issued by al-Issawi's office said that the latter will meet Obama and discussions will focus on finding an urgent solution to the Sunni provinces .. referring to what is being agreed upon in the White House behind the scenes to provide adequate supplies for Anbar province.

The statement quoted al-Issawi as saying that “all the current issues will go in front of the President or Congress to find a prompt solution to what is happening in Iraq and the Sunni provinces in particular “.

Although Abadi showed great flexibility in convergence with the tribes and met some of their demands, the sectarian separation between the two sides is still a big obstacle to national reconciliation that Abadi wants.

Issawi said from Washington ahead of a meeting with Obama that «The most important requirements of this stage is to expel« ISIS »from those provinces, delayed arming Sunni and Kurdish clans will exacerbate the situation worse than before, especially in Nineveh and Anbar.

This statement reflects the support of some leaders, led by al-Issawi for the Congress project.

According to Al-Qabas Kuwaiti newspaper, al-Issawi and al-Nujaifi pledged to cleat Anbar and other provinces from «ISIS» if Washington committed to support and arm the tribes, and stood with the formation of al-Anbar province, which includes five provinces.

Al-Issawi and the governor of Nineveh , Athel al-Nujaifi arrived Friday to Washington in a surprise visit and  that has raised sensitivity in the government , while the state media considered this move as one of the US maneuvers to divide Iraqi society.

In this meantime, Head of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Council of Salahuddin province, Sabhan Mullah Jiyad said there has been talked about within the provincial council was to re-introduce the region project.

The provincial council had demanded the Iraqi government in 2011 to embark on regionalizing measures of Salahuddin but the project failed due to procrastination of the government led at the time by Nuri al-Maliki.

Jiyad told Shafaq News that there is talk on the subject, but it needs a consensus within the Council and a collective decision.

He added "the issue also needs an agreement with the federal authorities."

After the announcement of Salahuddin region, Diyala province also announced its region.

The decision of the US Congress and arming Peshmerga and Sunnis in the form of regions in Iraq raised the issue of separate states.

The Iraqi constitution mandates on the eligibility of any province to declare a region without being separated from the central state expect for Kurdistan, which has the right to self-determination.

Basra province south of the country is also seeking to declare its region, as there are some moves in a number of provinces of the south to pressure towards unified south project under the name Sumer region.

Shiite parties refuse the regions project in Iraq, unlike Sunni parties that seek mostly for it.