2015-09-11 18:51:00

2013, before ISIS organization entered to Mosul more than a year ago, and then the

organization performed its threats one by one, killing male and female journalists without

mercy, either through direct killing in the street, kidnapping  or killing and torturing them that to

a full control of the city and killing through trials held by legitimate judges as they call them 

where they sentenced the journalist to death after processing a group of indictment stories and

fabrications, this was done with activists, lawyers, intellectuals and people linked to the

executed persons.

Executing the journalist , Ikhleas al-Saati and her father who were shot dead south of Mosul on

Saturday, September 5th of 2015 was complete as they charged her of acting against the

organization and transferring  information to outside Mosul , this was an evidence of brutality.

Journalist, Falah al-Hassani of Shabak nationality who lives in a sub-district in Mosul was one of

a group of reporters targeted ruthlessly, as many were killed and others barely escaped , their

Shabak colleague was saved by God to tell his tragedy of living under Islamic extremists, then

escape from their hell on foot.

His brother ,Mohammed told the Iraqi Observatory press freedoms about the assault incident

on Falah in early November of 2013 when he was returning from his work, where gunmen shot

him dead while he was driving , he was injured with seven bullets ,three penetrated his

abdominal area, while four settled in his kidneys, then was taken to al-Jumhoriya Hospital, then

al-Hamdani hospital , he underwent several operations helped to save his life, he stayed in a

long recovery period then ISIS elements entered Mosul, and the Shabaki was lives in Bartalah

sub-district in Hamdaniya district.

Shabaki saw the conditions in the cities of Mosul and surrounding villages, and knew he would

be a potential victim for many reasons. In addition to his journalistic work , he is a Shabak

citizens who is targeted as well as Christians, Kurds , Yezidis Kurds and Turkmen.

Al-Shabaki tells some of the details of the story of the death and life and hope of a different

tomorrow, but he remembers memories in Bartalah sub-district in which Iraqis live from

different doctrines and nationalities and have been targeted by armed militants in brutal ways,

he adds, he stayed at his home for treatment after leaving the hospital, but his fear increased

after the control of ISIS on Mosul , he remained  like other people   waiting for the tragedy as

people hear the news about ISIS brutality and the number of dead and fugitives from their hell,

for four months , he and his children and people close to him were trapped looking for a way to

escape until the opportunity came, and crowd began to creep toward Erbil walking , children,

women , elders and men were afraid walking for long hours in search of deliverance and the

ultimate goal was the capital of Kurdistan Region, which appeared later it's just a first station for

many people.

Kurds headed to their relatives, while Shiites decided to go to the cities of the center and south,

then the convoy succeeded to reach Kalar, a city east of Kurdistan then a hard journey from one

place to another, using different ways till reached Baghdad, where he settled and worked,

looking for treatment to his deteriorating health, yearning to Mosul while his memory retains

pictures of his house, that was burned as he was told over the phone by ISIS elements.

Falah al-Shabaki was one of dozens of journalists who have been targeted by ISIS organization,

he was very lucky to have survived, and was able to transfer his wife and children to Baghdad to

settle there, A growing number of these journalists do not know their fate, and some of them

fled to Europe and to neighboring countries, or lived in safer areas in the rest of Iraq.