2014-11-17 08:26:20


According to official sources in Kurdistan Regional Government , about 900 000 displaced people took refuge in Dohuk province to escape from the oppression of "ISIS" terrorist organization that swept through large areas of Nineveh province, while semi-official Yazidi sources said that there are about 400 000 displaced Yazidis in Kurdistan Region, most of them living in Dohuk.

Meram Atto, a Yazidi woman in her fifties from Borak compound (55 km north of Sinjar) and resident in a camp that does not carry a name and consists of about 60 tents on the road between Zawita and Dohuk said in an interview for "Shafaq News", that " winter surprised us and rains flow strongly accompanied with low temperatures. "

She adds that all displaced people have left their homes with their summer clothes, and "I saw that my children and grandchildren need winter clothing or they will have diseases, so I heard that some Yazidi displaced mothers are making winter clothes from extra blankets, and I did like them."

She notes that there are limited amounts of winter clothes, "Unfortunately, it is not enough, and we have no money to buy winter clothes, I think that it is possible to dispense some blankets, and began sewing for girls and boys , in order to get warmth in this cold weather."

Often winter arrives early in Kurdistan region than the rest of areas of Iraq, that witness mostly snowfall for relatively long periods of time, which leads to a sharp drop in temperature.

ISIS terrorist organization has controlled Sinjar (124 km west of Mosul) at the beginning of last August of the mainly Kurdish Yazidis, which led to an unprecedented wave of displacement towards Kurdistan Region.

For her part, former Yazidi MP in the Iraqi parliament from Kurdistan Alliance, Amina Hassan told “Shafaq News" that “ Yazidi families and non-Yazidi displaced to Kurdistan need continued support from organizations , government and independent humanitarian organizations, as well as the need for international support and internationalist, especially with the onset of winter.

She adds that "the number of displaced people in the region, without a doubt is very large, which is above the power and the possibility that the regional government has provided and is providing of support , food aid and relief, appealing to the federal government to do its duty towards its own people."

According to Hassan “ the allegations set aside funds in billions of dinars and tens of millions of dollars for the displaced, "We do not know how it is spent on them, while we know that there is constant assistance, but I expect that some of the displaced people receive more aid from other displaced," pointing to the importance of coordination among all concerned parties in order to distribute aid in a fair way to everyone.

Hasan called all parties of institutions and humanitarian organizations to speed up the provision of aid and supplies for displaced people to face winter by clothes and other relief materials.