2015-02-09 10:25:15

according to a report of "Washington Post" newspaper as France recorded the largest number of 1200 militants.

Under the leadership of the so-called (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi) ,  1200 French people spend their lives in this organization, recruits and participants in the implementation of what assigns to them from combat missions, following the approach of those who came to the organization in Syria and Iraq from about eighty countries.

Serious facts, and numbers are on the rise, worrying about the growing danger of this organization, published by the American newspaper, in a report that included a map refers to the remarkable growth in the number of associate members of this organization, which raises the global concern.

The map shows that about 5 000 fighters have joined The Islamic State organization from October 2014 to January 2015, bringing the number of entrants to the organization of eighty countries around to 20000, compared to 15000 were statistical estimates registered in October 2014, according to the International Center for the Study of Radicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR).

The documented report reveals numbers listed on the map attached to the report, that the West has the lion's share of immigrants to fight in ISIS ranks during the period from October 2014 until January 2015, while the Middle East didn’t give but only a few numbers, in a time lacking any increase coming from Gulf countries, the report also revealed that the increase is zero from North African countries with the exception of Libya, in which 44 fighters joined the organization.

According to the report, the number of arrivals to ISIS from France increased triple as the report showed 1200 French flocked compared  to 412 in October 2014, while Germany ranked second in the export of fighters and the number of emerging from its territory toward "ISIS" to 600 fighters compared to 240 in October 2014.

The number of immigrants to ISIS also increased remarkably from Britain, Belgium, New Zealand, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.

On the other hand ,the number of displaced to "ISIS" fell from the Middle East, while there have no significant increase in the numbering of the Gulf countries, compared to the report issued by the organization last January.

The number of enrolled fighters to ISIS from Pakistan was 330 to 500 migrants, while Afghanistan has increased the number 36 to 50 fighters migrants, in North Africa, the report has not made any increase in Algeria 250, Tunisia 3000, Morocco in 1500, the same numbers matching the previous statistics.

As the estimated statistical confirmed no one from the Arab Gulf states have joined ISIS during the past two months, with the exception of the UAE, as the number of fighters increased by one fighter from (14) to (15).

The report did not made any increase in the number of fighters, during these two months from Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen, Iraq and Qatar.

According to the report, the number of those who joined ISIS from Kuwait is 71, Saudi Arabia 2500 , UAE 15, Qatar 15, Bahrain 12, Yemen 110 and Iraq247.