2015-05-31 10:56:19

of the organization, pointing out that one of the reasons that led to this is that foreign fighters are seen with suspicion and treated in a bad way. They are tired, fed up of this situation, and are looking for alternative leadership.

Alan news channel talked to large numbers of Dissidents from ISIS to understand the reasons that led them to leave the organization. Things are not okay in ISIS. Especially between Arabs and foreign fighters.

ISIS foreign fighters are worried about the Iraqi control on the leadership. They point to it as the "Iraqi Mafia."

Many of the foreign fighters feel that they have been misled: ISIS propaganda promised them with greater roles within the organization, including leadership roles, but instead it was limited to their roles as soldiers and ordinary administrative duties.

Foreign ISIS demanding death, not leadership

Fighters from Europe and Russia became enraged because they feel marginalized because of a lack of ethnic advantage. They do not know Arabic well, they are not accustomed to Arab traditions and culture, and lack the extended networks owned by Arabs. As a result, many of these non-Arab fighters who were put in units separated by foreign fighters quickly realized that it is not a coincidence that their units are engaged in fierce battles over other units. ISIS sends them to die in order to get rid of them.

Marginalization of Russian speakers and suspecting them

Among the most famous enraged units are the units that speak Russian, which is composed of fighters came from the former Soviet Union and the Balkans. Many of them fought many tough battles and have experience in the Caucasus, Balkans, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Those were in the front lines when ISIs got a lot of the gains - also were responsible for the great successes in recruiting and efforts media (for example: the Kazachi child who executed spies) - they are among the most dissatisfied with their limited promotion in ISIS, which led a lot of them to leave ISIS.

Rally around the Chechen

The Furious Foreign fighters from the Iraqi control over the organization are looking to Chechen Abu Omar to help them in correcting the situation. The Chechen is seen as a successful commander who resisted Iraqi ISIS in order to advance on the leadership.

But the growing defeats in the organization reveal the growing frustrations and rifts among the marginalized, also clearly show the frustrations and fissures among the leaders. Always look for the Chechen filled into doubt as a former intelligence officer who worked in the Georgian army and the son of a Christian father.

The Chechen challenge became public

At the same time, with the accumulation of losses, according to elements in ISIS prefer to remain anonymous, the Chechen - known with his military abilities - has become more blatant in the expression of disagreement and some of the strategic decisions taken by the Abu Duaa, and in some times refused to send his units to battles assigned to them. At other times, the Chechen ordered his unit publicly to ignore the specific commands issued by ISIS.

What is more?

No doubt, such a challenge is not acceptable to Iraqis. They cannot easily get rid of ISIS. The cost of doing so will be high. However, allowing the Chechen’s challenge to continue will cost more also.

At present, there is no way to find out which roads conflict will take between the Chechen and al-Baghdadi. But what is clear that the organization, which was born as a mess, would make it spend much of its energy in dealing with internal conflict.