2014-08-21 08:28:30

organization to invade large areas north of Iraq.

Those questions comes from the fact that areas such as Nineveh province, specifically its center Mosul or Tikrit city takes a large geographic space, which is in need in the military term to a significant number of insurgents who are able to cover and secure these areas, unless the provision of "an incubator" and a major political and security cover, in addition to supporting a number of political groups which occupies position within these environments, at the top of "the dissolved Iraqi Baath Party" and the Naqshbandi followers, a group that is attributed to the former Iraqi Vice President ,Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri.

There is talk that Douri has played an important role during the recent events, in terms of supporting ISIS until launching a security operation on the militant group to dismantle it.

Al-Douri, who is the current leader for the outlawed " Baath Party", the biggest nightmares of successive Iraqi governments after the fall of Saddam Hussein's regime in 2003, as the "mysterious man" who is out of sight, remains in the eyes of Baghdad one of the most responsible for the deterioration of the security situation in the country, and is credited with many of the security roles, especially in security and military institutions.

His security and military activity

Douri or "Rafeq Abu Ahmed," as defined in the corridors of party meetings, does not appear only rarely, in partisan events, and through video recordings wearing a military uniform and surrounded by elements wearing oily color, the uniform of the security men during the reign of Saddam Hussein.

Douri was born in al-Dour town in Tikrit in 1942, and grew up in an environment of religious Sophie character, he was the second man in the regime of Saddam Hussein, and disappeared after the American occupation of Iraq in 2003, but appeared after the execution of Saddam, declaring himself as the only leader for "Baath" in Iraq.

In late 2009, Douri announced the formation of " Jihad and Liberation Front," to fight the American occupation, and then announced the formation of armed brigades under the name of " Naqshbandi men ", which spread over Kirkuk , Diyala, Tikrit and Mosul, according to what Iraqi security source.says

It is not yet known the whereabouts of Douri, who surrounds himself with secret and high-level security measures.

The leader in the Baath party said on condition of anonymity, that "it is known that al-Douri is one of the smartest men of the first line of the Baath Party and a lot of decisions that were taken by Saddam Hussein goes back to him, as he had trusted him greatly."

The Baathist leader adds that al-Douri represented the religious line within the secular " Baath Party", and he differs with it on a lot of things, and that many Iraqis believe that the faith campaign launched by Saddam Hussein before 2003, in fact was the arguments of Abu Ahmed, who insisted on its application.

Faith campaign is a campaign launched by the leaders of "Baath Party" after the Gulf War connected between Islam and Arabism, and began the application more stringent religious process in the Iraqi street.

The Baathist leader indicates that "the whereabouts of Abu Ahmed is not know by many, he moves a lot and do not settle in a certain province for more than one month for fear of detection position."

The leader rejected to talk about the last whereabouts of al-Douri , he pointed out that "It is known that al-Douri moves between Tikrit and Mosul, Turkey, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, talk was raised recently about going to one of the areas north of Lebanon, in coordination with one of the politicians (who declined to mention his name), but I do not know more than that. "

Role in recent events

Douri announced publicly his support to the wave of "Arab Spring," he said in one of his recordings that he "supported the revolution in Syria and the uprising in the Sunni provinces of Iraq."

After the events of the tenth of June and the fall of several Iraqi cities, , Douri praised the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria “ISIS” organization and called it to overcome differences and continue the process of "liberation."

Al-Douri said in a recording attributed to him recently, "a tribute to the Naqshbandi army , brave fighters of the national army, fighters of the Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation, fighters of the Islamic Army, and the heroes of Thwara al-Eshreen Brigades, Mujahideen Army and some groups of Ansar al-Sunna, and Al-Qaeda and the Islamic state, they have a special greeting from me filled with pride and appreciation. "

But soon he returned to the attack ISIS organization , after the emergence of differences between its elements and the Naqshbandi Army in Mosul.

Some said that he has been included all mentioned military factions this week in his speech above, with the exception of "ISIS" and "al-Qaeda", in the framework of a military uniform under the name of "military council for the rebel tribes" in order to fight "ISIS" in Mosul.

A senior Iraqi officer says that "there are many evidence of the involvement of Izzat al-Duri in terrorist operations in Iraq, including the targeting of officials, he is one of the most wanted Iraqi authorities," adding that "the only obstacle that we face is to identify his location, According to intelligence information, Douri moves a lot , but we will continue to track him until arresting him. "

The Iraqi intelligence "anti-terrorism service ", has been able to kill the son of al-Douri , Ibrahim, in the vicinity of Baiji refinery and Spyker base in Salahuddin province, according to Iraqi security authorities.

Al-Douri suffers of blood cancer since several years and has survived an assassination attempt in Halabja in Sulaymaniyah province in 1998, he also survived an arrest attempted in Vienna in 1999, after he was accused of committing crimes against humanity, when he was on a private visit for medical treatment.