2014-10-11 10:54:03

from his fellow Kurds in Kobani.

He is Abu al-Khatab the Kurdish , the military commander of the operations of the Islamic state organization in the Kurdish Kobani as Abu al-Khatab is descended from the Iraqi town of Halabja in Sulaimaniya in Kurdistan Region.

The picture circulated by jihadist websites shows Abu al-Khatab in several locations, most recently within Kobanîi

A leading Kurdish Islamist fighting with one faction of the rebels north of Aleppo tell us that Abu al-Khatab leads a group of Kurd jihadists coming from Kurdistan, has joined them under IS of some young Kurds fundamentalists of Hasaka and Aleppo, although their numbers have been limited, but they formed an influential force for IS during his attack on Kurdish villages in the countryside Kobani and Al-Hasakah in the past few months.

According to news from Jarablus and Manbej areas neighboring to Kobani in Aleppo shows that Abu Al-Khatab brought in the last two days reinforcements from the towns of Jarablus and Manbej included some young Kurds belonging to the Islamic state, and managed these reinforcements from supporting the attack by the elite forces to storm Kobani during the past few hours, led by the KurdishAbu al-Khatab.

Abu al-Khatab has an old revenge with the Kurdish PYD, which is fighting in Kobani in addition to the ideological hostility, as Abu Khatab's brother was killed in clashes with members of the party in the countryside of Al-Hasakah months ago, an attack that indicate locations of jihadists that Abu al-Khatab assumed its leadership commissioned by Abu Omar Chechen.

In the first operations in Al-Hasakah carried out by IS which is a quality process adopted by five Kurdish fighters stormed the headquarters of the Baath party and killed all who were inside it , the most prominent member of the Baath Party leadership , Hanna Atallah, who was leading groups of Shabiha in Al-Hasakah , Kurdish fighters managed to raise flag of IS on the building of the party before the regime was able to restore it after hours.

In addition to Kurdistan, the Islamic movement has a presence also among Kurds of Syria, a movement that is not consistent with the leftist Kurdish Revolutionary that has the biggest influence among Kurds in northern Aleppo countryside, unlike the Kurds of Damascus who can barely be distinguished from the Arabs because of the predominance of Islamic religious identity on them, while national identity and leftist tends overcome on Kurds of north of Syria.

It seemed so obvious when the reporter of Alquds newspapwer he met in Aleppo and its countryside , many young Kurds in Islamic groups as(Salahuddin group), which favored fighting alongside rebel of Islamic groups fighting in groups of PYD and the left-wing which was stationed in Ashrafieh and Sheikh al-Maqsood Kurdish areas in Aleppo.

That day I met the leader of one of the groups in the Free army belongs to al-Tammo Kurdish family which is affiliated with the Kurdish activist , Mashaal al-Tammo. Kurdish leader who met him was bearded and said that he is Islamist, when I asked him about the reason for joining the Free army, he said «he prefers to fight with Islamist Arabs fighting with the leftists Kurds ». Then he added, «I belong to the Kurdish people and Meshaal Tammo is my cousin".

Kurdistan authorities announced in the period that followed the fall of Mosul , the arrest of about fifty young men on charges of belonging to IS organization and then published Kurdish official statistics that said that about fifty youths were killed during their fight in the ranks of IS, as a Kurdish radio said that seven Kurds in the ranks IS were killed during the battles of Mosul Dam, mostly from Sulaymaniyah and led a jihadist from «Badinan town » in Dohuk province.

While Kurdish media are publishing news that Kurdish families are reporting disappearance of their sons, believed to have joined the «Islamic state organization », this prompted Kurdish authorities According to Kurdish reporters that we talked to them in Erbil to make several arrests, including one which resulted in the arrest of 30 young men from Halabja and the outskirts of Erbil charged of being linked to IS, amid estimates indicate that the number belonging to Is from the region exceed five hundred.

The Kurdish authorities are trying to support the efforts of the Kurdish Sufi clerics who incite to reject radical ideas, as Naqshabadi from Sufi clerics and other known for their hostility to the Salafist movement in advocacy campaigns among the poor areas in Kurdistan.

The jihadist movement has ancient history in Kurdistan, as Ansar al- Islam and Ansar al-Sunna had been established decades ago, and had an active role in sending jihadists to fight in Afghanistan, as Mullah Krekar is considered one of the main symbols of this community, and we should not forget that al-Zarqawi, hid in the camps of «Supporters of Islam» when he entered Kurdistan coming from Iran and was exposed to American bombing but al-Zarqawi remained confident with the help of Abu Omar, his Kurdish assisstant who carried out the assassination of Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim in Najaf, before being arrested and executed after confessing that he implemented more than two hundred car bomb explosions.

After «Supporters of Islam» dissented from «Ansar al-Sunna» organization led by Abu Abdullah al-Shafei, who was detained by American forces for years and participated in «Ansar al-Sunna» organization in Iraq in the Iraqi resistance, along with al-Qaeda and other Islamist factions, which is still active today, and after control Islamic State on Mosul, clashes took place between him and IS organization in Kirkuk province, in the framework of the insistence of IS to prevent any other organizations from fighting outside leadership of IS and under its flag, as clashes ended in according to what was announced as a temporary adjustment by Ansar al-Sunna allegiance of the so-called “ fighting allegiance organization “.

Thus, one of the sources of the power of the Islamic state organization is breaching all Sunni Arabs and Kurds and Turkmen societies, as Turkmen of Tal Afar has a leading role in the organization in the vicinity of Mosul, and the Kurds push their organization to the interface when attacking Kurdish areas, as well as in the tribal areas of Arab of Anbar, for example, as it includes leaders and members of most of the major clans, which is fighting in Ramadi, you will find a famous leader as Shaker Waheeb from Albu Fahad clan and his cousin leader in the Awakening, which is fought by the organization ... so it is one of the main problems of the conflict with IS that will lead to Sunni -Sunni violent fight after IS organization became present in all Sunni areas.