2015-09-13 08:02:29

highlighted the media manipulation for the incident of the sinking child, hinting that the famous picture, which has been published on social networking sites is not the place of the sinking child, taking the views of these activists who are skeptical about the spontaneity characterized in the picture and took such a media aura that accompanied the incident.

According to "Le Monde", the image of the child Aylan whose body was drifted to the shore of the sea cliff on the second of September in Bodrum, Turkish Beach, became popular in record time. The interpolating took place to manipulate the emotions of public opinion in Europe and the world.

The French newspaper quoted journalists and analysts as saying that the image of Aylan is a play no more, and the uproar that accompanied the spread of the picture came within a programmed media propaganda, pointing to a tweet of one of the activists on Twitter, he said: "This picture is not spontaneous , the body of Aylan was taken from water before being captured, and therefore it is not a spontaneous event. "

A few days later, another photo appears; shows that the body of the 3 year old child showing Aylan near a Turkish policeman , Ahmed al-Sayel , Director of photography at the agency said that the policeman took the picture in the place where he found Aylan but after zooming the picture , al-Sayel make sure that this picture is not of Aylan, but for his brother, who drowned in the same incident.

The newspaper cited a Tweet of the French journalist , Francois Oorcevall, asking how did everyone knew the identity of the drowned child in a short time. But the answer to this question, according to the paper, is quite simple as the photographer , Neleviaa Domain took the photo at a.m. , while aylan’s father was in Bodrum looking for his family members who drowned in the sea. When he did not find them, he informed the city hospital. After the spread of the picture, the hospital administration knew the identity of drowned Aylan.

"Le Monde" referred to what the US newspaper "Wall Street Journal" noted on conflict of stories about the devastated father, Abdullah al-Kurdi, as first he said that he swam to the Turkish beaches then head toward the hospital, and then he said that the Coast Guard saved him.

"Le Monde" Report has raised many suspicions about Aylan not wearing a life jacket, while Aylan’s father told the police that all the passengers of the boat were wearing life jackets, and that the boat suddenly capsized when some of people stood on the one side, so his two children slipped from his hands in the sea.

Then "Le Monde" published many Tweets related to this issue, unanimously agreed that it would be illogical to cross from Syria to the shores of Turkey, accompanied by two children in the dangerous sea atmosphere and high waves.