2014-04-08 08:46:11
The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, or what is known as a brief as " Daash " armed organization described terrorism as adopting jihadi Salafi ideology in which its members aims for " Islamic caliphate and apply the law " extends in Iraq and Syria . The leader of the organization is "Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.”

After the formation of Tawhid and Jihad group led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi in 2004 and announcing loyalty for al -Qaeda former leader, Osama bin Laden to spread al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia , the organization stepped up its operations to become one of the strongest organizations in the Iraqi arena and began spreading its influence over large areas of Iraq till 2006 when al-Zarqawi revealed himself in a video announcing the formation of Mujahideen Shura Council , led by Abdullah Rashid al-Baghdadi .

After the death of al-Zarqawi, Abi Hamza al-Muhajir had been elected in the same month as the leader of the organization, at the end of the year he formed Islamic State of Iraq , led by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi .

The thinker, Hassan Farhan al-Maliki Tweeted on “Twitter " briefed by “Shafaq News " , that "Can Daash be defeated intellectually ? Since the Morning and I am following Daash videos and I can say, we can defeat them intellectually and easily ... but who permit it?

" States , doctrines or movement will not allow this because they are protected and immunized enough to survive through time ; What are the conditions that will defeat them and nations and doctrines prevent it?

He said that the first condition " Is to have the book of God as the ruler in the disputed issues (this is what will not be accepted by the states nor the doctrines ) The second condition : Freedom , Third: publicity ."

Maliki says about himself that he is a researcher in the legitimate affairs, history and interested in the issues of human rights and worried from religious tyranny on the policies of the Gulf states, including suppression of freedoms and human rights violation.

He explained that there are three difficult conditions to be achieved because the states and sects want to defeat Daash without affecting their symbols, heritage or history.

Maliki said that Daash arguments are Salafi from its beginning to the end, and it is very easy to defeat them.

He concluded, “Politicians don’t defeat disbelief and disbelief allow to defeat politicians. Teams playing without judgment nor red or yellow cards and we are helpless bystanders.”

Islamic State in Iraq had been formed on 15 October 2006 after meeting of a group of armed factions within Mutayibeen Coalition Treaty that had chosen " Aba Omar " as its leader and later adopted many of the qualitative operations inside Iraq at the time.

After the death of Abu Omar al-Baghdadi on Monday, 04.19.2010, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi became the leader of this organization, the reign of Abu Bakr witnessed expansion in the quality of concurrent operations (as the central bank operation , the Ministry of Justice and storming of Abu Ghraib and al-Hout prisons .

After the events in Syria , fighting of revolutionary groups and the Free army with the regime of Bashar al-Assad , Nusrah front for the people of Syria had been formed in late 2011, and soon grew to become the most prominent armed capacity within months fighting in Syria .

On 04.09.2013 and in a voice message Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi announced the integration of Nusrah Front branch with the Islamic State of Iraq under the name of the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.

Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant adopted the bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Beirut, as members of this organization control a large area of the Iraqi city of Fallujah.