2015-01-08 07:04:07

on the headquarters of the French magazine "Charlie Hebdo."

At a time more details were revealed about the attack, as 12 people were killed, while the attackers targeted people by name and killed them.

The official website of the Egyptian TV transferred from al- Azhar it’s condemn of the armed attack on the headquarters of the magazine, known to publish satirical pictures that showed some sacred religious figures among Muslims.

The Web site said that Al-Azhar, "described the incident as criminal, noting Islam's rejection of any acts of violence."

For his part, the doctor Gerard Kirzak, who helped treat the injured people in the attack, said that one of the survivor told him that the attackers called the names of the targeted people and killed them, then they separate women from men before shooting.

Kirzak added that the liquidation process, took place inside the magazine and didn’t take place through random fire, but was more like a "specific execution" targeting certain people.

Meanwhile , Saleem Hamid Murad (18 years old), has turns himself up to the French police, one of the three suspects in the attack on the "Charlie Hebdo" newspaper in Paris.

Two other suspects are still fugitives, as they two brothers , Saeed Kouachi (34 years old) and Sharif Quashie (32 years old) born in Paris, and carry the French citizenship.

A source close to the file said that many of the close people to the brothers Kouachi were arrested on Thursday night.

French police has published on its website Picture of the brothers Kouachi , pointing out that the prosecution of the two operations are still going on, and asked who recognize them to inform about them.

The police station in Paris warned, that the Sharif and Saeed "might be armed and dangerous," explaining that "research notes have been issued against them."

The French police has identified on Thursday, the names of three suspects in the attack on Charlie Hebdo satirical newspaper, reported that one of them is sheriff, was convicted of recruiting fighters and sending them to Iraq, where he spent 18 months in prison in 2008.

Sharif Kouachi is a jihadist known to the French anti-terrorism agencies, born in Paris and nicknamed as "Abu Hassan", and belonged to a network that has a mission to send jihadists to Iraq to join al-Qaeda branch there, that was led then by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

Sharif was arrested before heading to Syria and then to Iraq and was referred to trial in 2008, where he was sentenced to 3 years, including 18 suspended months.

Two years later, his name was mentioned in an attempt to smuggle the Islamic , Ismail Ait Ali Belqasem from prison, and the latter was a former member of the Algerian Armed Islamic Group, who was sentenced in 2002 to life imprisonment for committing an attack in the regional metro station in Paris in October 1995 resulted in the injury of 30 people.

It is suspected that Kouachi was close to another French is Jameel Pigalle, who was in prison for 10-years for preparing for attacks, and that they are suspected of participating in combat trainings.

On Wednesday evening, after the attack on the headquarters of "Charlie Hebdo", French police released a picture of Kouachi shown shaved head.

It is suspected that the two brothers who carried out the attack on Wednesday afternoon, and found an identity card of one of them inside the car they have left after fleeing to northeast of Paris.

The supposed partner of the two brothers, who turned himself in at night to police in northeast France is Hamid Murad, 18 years old, Sharif Kouachi ‘s brother in law is suspected that he helped the shooters, as a witness said that there was a "third person" in the car while the attackers fled.

Murad has turned himself in to police in Harlovil-Mezieres city, after he noticed his name in the social networks," as explained by a close source to the file for "AFP."

But activists said that they are friends to Murad, confirmed via "Twitter" that the latter attended classes at the school at the moment of the attack, asserting his innocence.