2020-04-26 09:20:58

Shafaq News / In the courtroom, he stood there hiding his face, perhaps ashamed of what he committed against a five-year-old girl years ago. The Iraqi defendant, who attended Friday to a court in Frankfurt, Germany, is accused of killing a Yezidi girl while chained outside a window in the searing heat of Iraq's summer as punishment. She died of thirst in temperatures as high as 50°C.

The judicial authorities in Germany have declined to give his full name, but informed sources have revealed to Al- Arabiya. Net the identity of "Abu Muawiya" ISIS.

Abu Muawiya, whose full name is Taha Al Jumailly is from Fallujah city in Anbar Governorate western Iraq.

The 27-year-old man occupied a prominent position in ISIS after joining ISIS organization in 2013.

Rewarded with a German wife

In addition, sources confirmed that Taha had an important position in the organization in Fallujah in light of the Iraqi forces ’fighting at the time, and was rewarded with a German wife named Jennifer Wenisch.

ISIS also gave him and his wife, a Yezidi woman with her five-year-old daughter at the time, to work as maids at his home in mid-2015.

After the battle to liberate Fallujah, al- Jumailly and Jennifer fled to Turkey, from which his wife later traveled to Germany, where she was arrested.

After interrogating her about her husband, she provided information about him, and he was arrested after crossing the Aegean Sea, his arrival in Athens by the Greek authorities and his extradition to the German authorities on charges of committing genocide and murder.

She had her last breathes before her mother's eyes

As for the mother and daughter of the victim, Yazidi journalist Saman Dawood said that al- Jumailly used to torture the mother "Nour" and her daughter "Rania" by throwing them in the burning sun for long hours without water, in addition to the severe continuous beating.

On the main reason for punishing Rania, Dawood said, "The girl woke up crying one night after wetting her bed, which disturbed the ISIS man, so he put her in the yard of the house and chained her to one of the windows overlooking the courtyard, leaving her to die of thirst in the burning summer sun in front of her mother, who was punished. In turn, by walking in the sun, which caused her severe burns in her feet, while his German wife stood watching the torture and killing without blinking an eye.

In addition, Dawood revealed that the accused was arrested in Greece on May 16, 2019 and extradited to Germany on October 9, where he was arrested the next day.

In turn, Executive Director of Yazda, Murad Ismail confirmed this story of punishment and wetting the bed. He also clarified that the legal team of the organization that follow Yezidis cases had formally participated in the case from the first moment.

He added that the mother was kidnapped with thousands of Yezidis in August 2014, when the organization controlled areas in Iraq with her three and a half year-old daughter.

He also affirmed that she was subjected to various types of physical torture. He added that she participated in the trial of Al- Jumailly after being freed  from ISIS, along with witnesses from Yazda and other parties.

When asked about the possibility of talking to the mother, he explained that it is currently impossible, as recommended by the German legal authorities.

As for the child’s father, he said that ISIS killed him while controlling the Iraqi city of Sinjar.

He also explained that there are two cases in two German courts that are being  filed against the ISIS man and his wife at the same time, one in Frankfurt and the other in Munich.

A historical moment

The organization had previously issued a joint statement with both Lebanese-British lawyer Amal Clooney and Yazidi activist Nadia Murad – herself a survivor of ISIS sexual slavery and a 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winner – have represented the mother of the young girl at Wenisch's trial.

It is noteworthy that ISIS stormed Sinjar city and areas of Nineveh Plain in Mosul city in August of 2014 and began organized attacks targeting the Yezidis and Christians, including Assyrians, Shi'a Turkmen and other religious minorities.

ISIS also forced Yezidis and other religious minorities to fight in its ranks, while enslaved women and girls as young as 9 years old, sold them as gifts to its fighters or offered them as gifts.

During the period of forced enslaving, these women were subjected to constant beatings, forced labor, forced marriage and sexual violence, under a systematic sexual slavery system.

According to the latest statistics on the missing Yezidis, approximately 3,000 Yazidis are still missing, and it is believed that many women and children are still under the control of ISIS women, especially in the Syrian Al-Hol camp.

Source: Al -Arabiya TV Channel