2015-03-31 07:34:34

and not from the Islamic legitimacy as revealed by the British Daily Mail newspaper.

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria organization (ISIS) is clamping down on Caesarean operations in the latest attack on what it perceives to be decadent Western practices.

Doctors working for ISIS have been ordered to charge 15,000 Syrian pounds for a Caesarean childbirth operation, the equivalent of two months’ salary for the average Syrian worker.

Under the harsh new rules enforced by the terror group, doctors who carry out the operations without charging the fee will now face unspecified punishments.

The Islamic State order stipulates that the new charges are aimed at deterring hospitals from carrying out routine Caesareans.
But the high fees will force women who can't afford the operations to endure painful childbirth.

A written order published in the northern Syrian province of Deir az-Zor states: 'in order to assist the believers from the sons of Islam who are working in the medical corps to support their brothers from the poor and others besides them from the Muslim populace, and with the desire to keep the course of medical work removed from arbitrary whim.'

It adds: 'This is to be considered as tantamount to a written order and all who contravene it will be held accountable in the Dar al-Qaḍa [IS judiciary] with attendant consequence.'

There is growing opposition among Islamic clerics to Western trends in gynaecology developments and in particular to mothers who wish to have a pain-free childbirth sometimes referred to as 'too posh to push'.

One scholar of ISIS has recently claimed that the rise in Caesarean operations in the Middle East is part of a plot against Muslim mothers.

Sheikh Muhammad ibn Saalih al Uthaymeen has ruled that Muslim mothers shouldn't need any decadent pain-relieving assistance in the delivery of their babies.

In his ruling published on an Islamic website he says: 'I would like to take this opportunity to point out a phenomenon that has been mentioned to us, which is that many obstetricians, male and female, in the hospitals are too keen for birth to take place by surgical means, which is known as a Caesarean. 

'I am afraid that this may be a plot against the Muslims, because the more births take place in this manner, the more the skin of the abdomen is weakened and pregnancy becomes more dangerous for the woman, and she becomes unable to get pregnant.'

He adds: 'Some of the people who work in private hospitals have told me that many women come to the hospitals and their specialists tell them that there is no alternative to a Caesarean, then they go to this private hospital and give birth naturally.'

Leaders of ISIS have tried to build a modern health service and have appealed to doctors from all over the world to travel to Syria and Iraq to join their medical teams.

Earlier this year the Islamic State announced the opening of the Faculty of Medicine in Raqqa, in northern Syria, where doctors are trained in just three years.

ISIS took control of Raqqa more than one year ago, to become one of the group's main strongholds in the region, imposing a so-called 'Islamic curriculum' on educational facilities in the city.

Last week it was reported that nine British medical students travelled to Syria to work in hospitals in Islamic State-held areas.

Four women and five men entered the country, keeping their plans secret from relatives until shortly before they crossed the border from Turkey. 

ISIS organization that calls itself now as the Islamic state is the organization adopts Salafist jihadist members aims according to their thought to restore "the Islamic Caliphate and the application of the law", mainly deployed in Iraq and Syria, and has branches in southern Yemen, Libya and Sinai, Somalia, north-eastern Nigeria and Pakistan. This organization’s leader is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.