2014-05-03 10:25:02
and prepare alliances for the benefit of a third term of outgoing Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki.

The sources said according to middle-east network, briefed by " Shafaq News " , that “ the mission of the cell is to contact the leaders of winning Iraqi political blocs in the election and reach understanding with them about the shape of the next Iraqi government to ensure that Maliki return to power as prime minister and open also to alternatives consistent with the vision of Iran's rapid buildup in Iraq , Syria and Lebanon .

The commander of the Qods Force, Major General Qassem Soleimani, who visited Iraq in secret last month explained that he supports electing Maliki for a third term and that he had informed the Iraqi politicians on the need to let Maliki stay to complete the task of the war on terrorism and continue to support the regime of Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad in accordance with the strategy of Iran , on condition that his bloc would get seats more than other blocs .

Sources in the Independent High Electoral Commission (IHEC) leaked information that State of law coalition, headed by al-Maliki is ahead of the rest of the blocs in the whole country that confirms that the coalition in Karbala city got “190 thousand votes that will give him seven parliamentary seats from the share of the province” .

The sources showed that” Hussein Ahmed al-Maliki won the first rank followed by Yasser al-Maliki ," while it is likely for Mwaten (citizen) coalition to get " two seats after winning 45 000 votes " , stressing that the National Alliance is an important need and must be formed."

The head of the election campaign for the State of Law coalition in Karbala , Imran Al-Kirkoshi said that "The received initial results from our observers at polling stations showed that State of law in Karbala won about 190 000 votes “.

He explained that “the number of votes is sufficient to give State of law seven seats of the eleven seats in the province."

Kirkoshi said that “it is likely for the coalition to get the eighth seat if won other votes of the voters of the special vote “.

He noted that “preliminary results showed victory of Hussein Ahmed al-Maliki first , followed by Yasser al-Maliki then Ali al-Adeeb , Saleh al-Hasnawi , Riad Ghraib , Ibtisam al-Hilali and Ferdous al-Abadi and Abdul-Mahdi al-Khafaji may be the eighth ."

The head of the election campaign added that "Based on the preliminary results in the provinces , State of law will have more than a hundred seats in the parliament ," stressing that "there is no option in front of Ahrar and Mwaten blocs but to go back to the National Alliance with state of law because they would be unable to ally with other parties ."

For his part, the head of the Supreme Islamic Council in Karbala , Zuhair Abu Daka , said in an interview that " all the figures and the results that have emerged are not true until after IHEC declare it officially ."

He explained that “preliminary results in Karbala, according to observers showed that the State of Law coalition came first and competes with Mwaten and Ahrar blocs on the second and third places.”

Abu Daka added that " the coalition in Karbala gained more than 45 000 votes , it will get one or two seats of 11 seats reserved for the province in the parliament."

He pointed out that the "Mwaten coalition will get more than 40 seats in the parliament for each of Iraq's provinces , this is a victory for us compared to the previous Parliament ."

The head of the Supreme Council in Karbala stressed that " we do not have a red line on any bloc of Iraqi political blocs ," stressing that " the National Alliance is a need for the current time and should be formed because our strength is in it."

The Office of Karbala announced Wednesday ( April 30 ) , that the rate of voter participation in public ballot reached 77 percent , while the number of voters reached more than 400 000 out of 550 000 eligible voters , and stressed the start of counting in each polling station then to be transferred to a main counting center in the center of Karbala .

IHEC announced on Wednesday (April 30) , that the rate of participation in the public ballot in the Iraqi provinces stood at 60 percent , as pointed to the participation of more than 12 million voters in the public voting and revealed that the number of participants in elections abroad amounted to more than 165 thousand voters .

9032 candidates, including 6425 men and 2607 women competed in parliamentary elections Wednesday on 328 seats, while the number of voters included by the public ballot reached 20 million and 437 thousand and 712 people .

The number of voters included in the special vote reached a million 23 thousand , while the displaced reached 26 thousand and 350 , and the number of public polling stations reached 8075 included 48 centers and 852 Stations.

The number of representatives of political entities reached more than 100 thousand either international observers reached 1249 , as well as adopting 37 thousand and 509 local observers , the number of international media reached 278 and local journalists reached 1915 .

Reports suggest that the state of law and allied with them will get 67 seats while Mwaten bloc will get 48 seats and Sadrists ( al-Nukhab , al-Sharaka and Ahrar) will get 32 seats .

The reports indicate that Kurdistan Democratic Party and its allies will get 20 seats , Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) 14 seats , Kurdish Change Movement ( Gorran ) 15 seats , while Mutahedoun will get 33 seats , the National list will get 25 seats , ISlah Movement 10 seats , al- Arabiya List 10 seats , Civic Democrats coalition will get 10 seats and Fadihela 7 seats .

Sources said that Qassem Soleimani is the one who will find a solution and impose it on the Iraqis in line with the objectives of Iran in the region.