2015-02-01 10:24:21

, this method is embodied by a "specialist" element in the organization to "bite" a member women who don’t wear a veil or dress in legitimate manner.

In the city of Mosul, the main stronghold of ISIS organization in Iraq, any women who does not wear the veil may be exposed to the most dangerous "bite" has faced in her life by a Russian citizenship lady hired by the organization recently to apply the legislation concerning the application of wearing "legitimate dress" for women.

This Russian women who belong to "ISIS" has raised concerns among women in Mosul city , the second largest city in Iraq after the imposition of the organization recently to the "bite" penalty for violations of them who do not wear full legitimate dress.

"The Biter" as called by the inhabitants of Mosul, is roaming the streets of the mainly Sunni Muslim city, accompanied by members of the so-called "calculation" device which is responsible for the application of ISIS legislation and the application of "biting" on women who may forgot to wear the niqab, or exposed a small part of her body from under the clothes.

Women in Mosul are abide on the orders and the teachings of "ISIS" to wear the niqab and forensic dress, which is a large , black and long Abaya that has no embroideries or, fearing from the wrath of the organization, in order to avoid sanctions seen by the city’s’ residents that came out of the Iraqi government's grip last June as "unjust” and has nothing to humanity."

"We examine and make sure to wear the niqab and we fear the emergence of any part of the normal underneath dress, we turn while walking in the streets for fear of seeing members of the calculation service and accompanied by the Russian biter", said, Um Ahmed , a women in her forties from the population of Mosul as she describes the procedures followed with her three daughters while intend to go out for shopping in the city markets.

She adds, "Um Ahmed," saying, "We fear from the ISIS Russian women who is usually accompanied by elements of the calculation in the markets, which are looking forward to watch any minor offense in wearing the veil or the legitimate dress , this woman would some and have a strong bite from anywhere that she reach of her body."

According to Anatolian Turkish official agency, wars and fighting fronts waging by ISIS around Mosul and several axes with Peshmerga and Iraqi forces, doesn’t make the organization forget monitoring the implementation of legislation in the city announced by the capital of the "Caliphate State" on the control areas in Syria and Iraq since the end of last June.

While Khadija, who nicknamed herself as "Um Tahseen" in order to not reveal the name fearing from ISIS , "The fear of biting is not limited to the Russian lady as we know that she is Russian from her language as a veil is on her face also, but there are Iraqi women also accompany elements of the calculation service to bite women who violate the legislation. "

Um Tahseen , from the population of Mosul , 39 years old, said that the elements of the calculation service from ISIS give the choice for violator women in the street either flogging (not specify the number of imposed lashes) or biting by "biters" who escort them.

She pointed out that "biters" bite some women sometimes from their faces strongly which leaves effect on the woman's body that can’t be removed for weeks.

Anas , who takes this fake name and works as a doctor is still operating in Mosul General Hospital, for fear of ISIS punishment, the hospital began since weeks ago to receive cases of "biting" on some women in the city.

Anas said that during the past week only, the hospital received 13 woman with exposed to biting in the streets of Mosul for violating the legitimate dress."

He added "The injuries were in different parts of the bodies, and some bites were strong to the extent that they need several days if not weeks to disappear effects that leave scars last a long time if caused great damage in the skin or underneath flesh."

ISIS has controlled the entire hospitals of Mosul , especially the medical complex, which includes the major hospitals in the city, and employs doctors by force to conduct their work after preventing them from getting out of town or face penalties up to death because of not serving "Muslims."

Mosel city is not the only region where ISIS apply their teachings and also impose on them to wear legitimate dress for women of Mosul, where these teachings apply in other areas of Iraq and Syria, which controls since more than a year on the regions and cities fully in the east and north .

On 10th of June, 2014, ISIS organization dominated Mosul city, the center of Nineveh province, before it expands its control over large areas in the north, west and east of Iraq, as well as the north and east of Syria, and announced in the same month, the establishment of what it called as the "Caliphate State".

Iraqi forces , elements of the popular crowd and Peshmerga forces are working to regain control of the areas dominated by ISIS in Iraq with air support from the international coalition, led by the United States, which launched air strikes on the organization’s sites in both Syria and Iraq